Tips & Resources

Perception vs Reality

Perception vs Reality

Do you respond more to your perception of reality than to reality itself? You may find that how you see things are not always as things really are. We each as individuals have our own perception of reality.

The implication is that because each of us perceives the world through our own eyes, perceived reality itself changes from person to person. We all bring our own personal biases, subjectivity and perspectives into every situation. And when we’re not aware of ourselves, we usually believe that the truth is what we’ve experienced or what we understand, however, this is not the case.

Perception occurs entirely in the mind and can be manipulated by ourselves and others, while reality exists outside our minds and is not so easily manipulated. Perception can be seen as a lens through which we view reality, meaning that we often perceive reality as an accurate representation of what reality truly is.

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A few Words on Education

A few Words on Education

Truthfully, I didn’t do well at school, but not through a lack of learning. But it got me thinking of how the education system has not changed in many years and how it came into being. When we look at it, we start primary school, usually around the age of five years old and progress to junior and then secondary/senior school.

All the time we’re being told that we need to do well at school so that we can make progress and get into a better school, then when we’re older, we can get a better job with more money. In the UK at the age of 13 and 14 years old, we’re asked to select subjects to study which we’ll be able to use in our future careers.

Then at the age of 16, we sit exams on these subjects. All this at a time when we’re growing into young adults with a plethora of hormones coursing throughout our bodies, not understanding what’s happening to us and we’re asked to make these important decisions.

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Do You Procrastinate?

Do You Procrastinate?

Do you sometimes struggle to get things started? 

You’re not the only one as there are many people out there who suffer with the same issue.  

We get an idea of something that we need or want to do, we think about how we’re going to do it, and we come up with a great plan, but we don’t act on that plan.  This is called procrastination. 

What is that? I hear you ask, well, it’s where we delay or postpone doing a set of tasks and this prevents us from following through on what we’ve set out to do.  We all procrastinate at some time or another.  

I have been procrastinating about doing this video as I’ve been thinking about what to say, but feeling I want to say more and that I can refine it to be better and it doesn’t matter because I’ve got lots of time to get it done, then I realised I have not done it.

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Do You Fear Change?

Do You Fear Change?

Do you fear change? 

There are many people out there that do, and it would not be surprising if you are one of them.  If you are, does it stop you doing things that will improve you and your family’s life? 

The two things to consider about it, is whether it is the change or the fear that stops you doing anything.

We all have the ability to make changes in our lives so that we can live a more fulfilled life and this can be in any and all aspects of our lives such as jobs, careers, relationships, health, to name a few.  Many people are happy with their lives, not wanting to push themselves, however, there are a select few who want more from life and these people strive to make changes that will greatly improve how they live.

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Can You Really Multitask?

Can You Really Multitask?

You hear all the time how people can multitask and get more things done. Actually, this is not entirely true. We don’t believe it is even possible to multitask…

We can, however, do multiple tasks in the same timeframe, but this is by concentrating on an individual task until it’s complete and then moving on to another. 

Please let me explain.  

If we try to multitask, say, two things at the same time, like talking on the phone and writing a document and I think most of us have tried this at some point in our lives, our brain is constantly switching between listening to the person on the phone, making sense of what they’re saying and what we’re thinking about writing down and actually writing it down.

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Do I need a Mentor?

Do I need a Mentor?

How many people out there want to make a change to their lives, but are not sure how to? 

The problem is we all get stuck in a rut and sometimes just don’t know how to get out of it. No matter how you feel, it is always possible to make changes and you are the person that has to make those changes.  

When you’ve decided that you want to make a change, you then have to decide what in your life you want to change, and then how you are going to make that change.  Making these decisions can add great value to your life, but sometimes you need someone to help guide you on your way.

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Too Old To Learn?

Too Old To Learn?

Do you ever feel that you’d like to learn new skills and knowledge, but think you’re too old? 

Most people wish they were able to learn something new, either to be able to relax or to change your job but feel they’re too old to be able to do this.  

I hear many times people say I’m too old to learn, along with, you can’t teach old dog new tricks, I’m too old to change my job, or I’m not qualified to do anything else.  

I believe that we are never too old to learn.  And that we can learn new skills and knowledge that will enhance our lives for the better. It’s about making a commitment to ourselves and finding something you would like to do.  

I’ve learned a few skills and gained knowledge since I was 35.  Yes, I started making changes at 35 years old. 

I’ve learned to play the saxophone, something I’d always wanted to do, but never felt I was musical enough to do it.

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Reducing Expenses

Reducing Expenses

At the end of the month, do you ever wish you had more money?  

You’re not alone if you feel that way, the problem is most of us spend what we earn. 

When we’re younger and we start to earn money, we think it’s so much, but as we get older, it appears less.  As we progress through our jobs and careers this usually means that we get promoted and moved into new roles.  These new roles, if we’re lucky, pay us more money and we start to think, ‘well, I used to live on a lower amount, what can I do with all this extra money?’ 

So, we buy a nicer car, bigger house, as the money we have becomes more expendable.  Soon, we find that we’re spending nearly as much as we’re earning, which means our saving pot starts to get a little depleted.

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Make more Time

Make more Time

Do you ever feel that you don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done that you want to? 

The problem is, there are only 24 hours in a day, and you’re not able to change that.  You are however, able to change the amount of usable time you have in the day.  

I’ve had many people ask how I am able to do all the things I do to which I answer, ‘I make the time’.  I actually admit, I don’t actually make time, though it would be cool, but I do however, make changes that allow me to be more productive and to be able to manage the time I have available.  

One of the things I’ve found over the years is that waking up 30 minutes, half an hour earlier, allows me to get so much more done.  I can hear you say that 30 minutes is hardly any time at all.  In fact, it’s not even a complete episode of some of the series we watch these days, but I think you’d be surprised at how much time it really is…

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